How to save / download images, documents, files or web pages on opera mini

Vendor / Type : Nokia / N70 ME
System: Symbian OS 8.1a Series 60
Java: MIDP 2.0
CPU type / arch: arm / 1280
CPU speed: 220 MHz
RAM: 54,272 KB
Applications: - OperaMini-v4.2.13337-advanced-id
- OperaMini v5.0.17443-beta-2-en (OperaMini 5 beta 2)
Trial period: January 18, 2010
Successfully downloaded files : - images (jpg, jpeg, gif)
- Doc
- Pdf
- Zip
- Mp3
- And various web pages
For those of you who have used OperaMini modif certainly familiar with the download and copy text features inherent in OperaMini modif. However OperaMini modif is a program engineered by Russian hackers who have no need to doubt his abilities. This is the real problem. If we use it only for browsing the things that are not sensitive may be not a problem. But if we use it to access email, paypal, ebay or even internet banking, that could be a problem. Username and password that we send through the cell phone may not only be sent to the Gmail server (example) but also to the private server hackers. That's why official OperaMini better than operamini modif. Anyway the picture or file that you downloaded in OperaMini modif can not be used because it is integrated with its parent program. And what about the OperaMini from official developer, why can't be made download ....? be come n' be patient. I'll give you the tricks steps by steps how to made your OperaMini can be downloaded. The steps below exactly the same as for the Nokia N70 users.
a. First, prepare the cell phone of course
b. open the application manager. Press the Menu> Tools> Manager

c. Find OperaMini application. If you have found press Options> Suite Settings.
Then fix it exactly as the instructions below.
Network Access: Ask first time
Messaging: Ask every time start: Ask first time
Connectivity: Always Allowed
Multimedia: Ask first time
Read user data: Always Allowed
Edit user data: Always Allowed

d. Below is the process of storing files on OperaMini version 4.x.

I took this picture from facebook.

e. the process of storing files on OperaMini version 5 beta

This picture I took from google search.

The above process only download the images with small size. If you want to download images with actual size. Look at the picture below.

f. The process of storing web pages
- Open a web page which you want to save
- Then see the picture below.

g. That's it.So please try at home.
Don't forget to share your experience in here....!

  • I was just learning to write in English. If there any mis spell or something like that, please forgive me.
  • to download this tutorial in pdf format complete with pictures please click the link below:

  • Download pdf

  • Download zip
  • How to backup a bookmarks in OperaMini 4.2 and 5 beta 2

    Before discussing further about this, I will give some idea about the importance of backing up your bookmarks. If you are use the internet to only access social networking sites like facebook and twitter. Perhaps the bookmark function is not too important. But if you include people who like to surfing and browsing the internet, like finding new things and learn them. So I emphasized the function of bookmarks is very very important for you.
    For those of you ever had experienced this definitely feels very annoying. I myself also ever had experienced opera application error and I have to reinstall it. Which means I also will lose bookmarks which amounted to tens, speed dial, personal bar, notes, typed browser history, and custom searches.
    That's what motivated me to write this article. One more great opera that is his ability to restore your bookmarks and speed dial is missing. At least there are 2 ways I know:
    1. Utilizing the features of "Synchronize".
    You must register first in order to use this facility. Immediately wrote
    Click, then the list. If you have successfully
    Register, the next step as follows:
    a. To OperaMini version 4.x
    - Download and install OperaMini
    - Run OperaMini
    - On the home page click "Synchronize Opera" ...

    - Until here you must login using the account which you created earlier. If
    have not yet please register by clicking on the Sign Up button or Register.
    - Type in your username and password then click Log in..
    - Congratulations, now you've synchronized opera
    - To start browsing click Menu> Start page

    b. To OperaMini version 5 beta 2
    - Download and install OperaMini
    - Run OperaMini
    - Click Menu> Settings> Opera Links
    - The next process is to register
    - Enter the name, password and your email then click list
    - If you already have an account immediately wrote click "I already have an account"
    - Then log
    - Wait until the synchronization process is complete

    Once you login, the opera will continue to synchronize until you logout.

    2. Backup manually. By way of backing up files rms.db
    In order to use this trick condition:
    - Install the file manager like SeleQ, system explorer, FExplorer or
    other up to you. I personally like FExplorer
    - Run FExplorer
    - Navigate to C: \ System \ MIDIets

    - Find the location of your OperaMini files in this folder
    - After the meet and then look for files in a folder rms.db same jar file dg
    OperaMini you are

    - Copy this file to your MMC
    - It is this file to save bookmarks, speed dial, cookies, etc.
    - Completed
    - Congratulations, now you've managed to backup your bookmarks.

    - The above tricks have been tested for Nokia N70 ME
    - Synchronize feature sometimes failed in restoring the Speed Dial, that's why
    I suggest you also perform manual backups.
    - If you want to download this tutorial complete with pictures, click the link below:
    - Download pdf
    - Download zip

    How to add search engines on OperaMini

    Google, Yahoo, Bing,, AltaVista, Alexa, Gigablast, Live Search,, Baidu, Araby, Yandex, etc.. Rows of the names above is a list of search engines you can use to facilitate your work. Then how the search engine on your cell phone, willing is you add the search engine listings on your cell phone? Do not go anywhere if you do not want to miss this trick. : P
    In OperaMini Indonesian version 4.2 there are 4 search engines, that is: google, amazon, fastncheap, and the last one is wikipedia. While in OperaMini 5 beta 2 Indonesian version there are only 2, that is: google and wikipedia. So what about Yahoo and bing that in fact the best search engine after google? You can still visit it by typing its address in wap browser.
    But if your desire is to add your favorite search engine in operamini search engine listings. Here are the steps.
    A. OperaMini version 4.2
    - Download and install OperaMini
    - Run OperaMini
    - Type in the address to your desired search engine eg
    - After the open yahoo main page, navigate to the search box

    - Press edit> options> searching for

    - Save

    - Done. now yahoo has been added to your search engines list
    - If you want to add other search engines repeat the above steps.

    B. OperaMini version 5 beta 2
    - Download and install OperaMini
    - Run OperaMini
    - Type in the address to your desired search engine eg

    - Bing open after the main page, navigate to the search box
    - Press the number 1 on your phone, wait until the option
    - Select "Add Search Engine"

    - Press "Add"

    - Done. bing now has been added to your search engines list.
    - If you want to add other search engines repeat the above steps.

    - For other search engines please visit
    - Button 1 on your cell phone have lots of functions: select text, copy, paste, open
    in a new tab, open the image, save image, add search engine.
    - The above tricks have been tested for Nokia N70 ME
    - If you want to download this tutorial complete with pictures, please click the link below:
    - Download pdf
    - Download zip

    Cara menambah search engine pada operamini

    Google, Yahoo, Bing,, altavista, Alexa, Gigablast, Live Search,, baidu, Araby, Yandex, dll. Deretan nama-nama diatas adalah daftar search engine atau mesin pencari yang bisa anda gunakan untuk memudahkan pekerjaan anda. Lalu bagaimana mesin pencari di HP anda, inginkah anda menambah daftar mesin pencari di HP anda??? Jangan kemana-mana jika tidak ingin ketinggalan trik ini. :P
    Pada operamini 4.2 versi Indonesia terdapat 4 mesin pencari, yaitu : google, amazon, fastncheap, wikipedia. Sedangkan pada operamini 5 beta 2 versi Indonesia cuma ada 2, yaitu: google dan wikipedia. Lalu bagaimana dengan yahoo dan bing yang notabene mesin pencari terbaik setelah google??? Anda tetap bisa mengunjunginya dengan mengetikkan alamatnya di wap browser anda.
    Akan tetapi kalau keinginan anda adalah menambahkan mesin pencari favorit anda di daftar mesin pencari opera. Berikut langkah-langkahnya.
    A. Operamini versi 4.2
    - Download dan install operamini
    - jalankan operamini
    - ketikkan alamat mesin pencari yg anda inginkan
    - setelah halaman utama yahoo terbuka, arahkan ke kotak pencarian

    - tekan edit>options>buat pencarian

    - simpan

    - Selesai. sekarang yahoo sudah ditambahkan di daftar mesin pencari anda
    - jika anda ingin menambahkan mesin pencari lainnya ulangi langkah diatas.

    B. Operamini versi 5 beta 2
    - Download dan install operamini
    - jalankan operamini
    - ketikkan alamat mesin pencari yg anda inginkan

    - setelah halaman utama bing terbuka, arahkan ke kotak pencarian
    - tekan angka 1 pada HP anda, tunggu sampai muncul pilihan
    - pilih “Tambah Mesin Pencari”

    - tekan “Tambah”

    - Selesai. sekarang bing sudah ditambahkan di daftar mesin pencari anda
    - jika anda ingin menambahkan mesin pencari lainnya ulangi langkah diatas.

    NB :
    - untuk mesin pencari lainnya silakan kunjungi
    - tombol 1 pada HP anda memiliki banyak fungsi an: pilih teks, salin, tempel, buka
    di tab baru, buka gambar, simpan gambar, tambah mesin pencari.
    - trik diatas sudah teruji untuk Nokia N70 ME
    - jika ingin mendownload tutorial ini lengkap disertai gambar, silakan klik link dibawah ini :
    Download pdf
    Download zip

    Cara membackup bookmark pada operamini 4.2 dan 5 beta 2

    Sebelum membahas lebih jauh tentang hal ini, saya akan memberikan sedikit gambaran tentang pentingnya membackup bookmark. Jika anda sehari-harinya hanya menggunakan internet untuk mengakses situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook dan twitter. Mungkin fungsi bookmark atau penanda tidak terlalu penting buat anda. Akan tetapi jika anda termasuk orang yang suka menjelajahi dunia maya, suka menemukan hal-hal baru dan mempelajarinya. Maka saya tekankan fungsi bookmark sangat-sangat penting buat anda.
    Bagi anda yang pernah mengalaminya pasti hal ini terasa sangat menjengkelkan. Saya sendiri juga pernah mengalami aplikasi opera error dan saya harus menginsal ulang. Yang artinya saya juga akan kehilangan bookmark yg jumlahnya mencapai puluhan, speed dial, personal bar, notes, typed browser history, dan Custom searches.
    Hal itulah yang kemudian memotivasi saya untuk menulis artikel ini. Satu lagi kelebihan opera yaitu kemampuannya untuk mengembalikan bookmark dan speed dial yang hilang. Setidaknya ada 2 cara yang saya ketahui :
    1. Memanfaatkan fitur “Synchronize”.
    Anda harus mendaftar dulu agar bisa menggunakan fasilitas ini. Langsung aja
    Klik, kemudian daftar. Kalau anda sudah berhasil
    Mendaftar, langkah selanjutnya sbb :
    a. Untuk operamini versi 4.x
    - Download dan install operamini
    - jalankan operamini
    - pada halaman awal klik “Synchronize Opera”...

    - sampai disini anda harus login menggunakan akun yg tadi anda buat. Jika
    belum punya silakan daftar dengan mengklik tombol Sign Up atau Mendaftar.
    - ketik username dan password anda kemudian klik Log in.
    - Selamat, sekarang opera anda sudah tersinkronisasi
    - untuk memulai browsing klik Menu>Halaman awal

    b. Untuk operamini versi 5 beta 2
    - Download dan install operamini
    - jalankan operamini
    - klik Menu>Pengaturan>Opera Link
    - proses selanjutnya adalah mendaftar
    - masukkan nama, sandi dan email anda kemudian klik daftar
    - jika anda sudah punya akun langsung aja klik “Saya sudah punya akun”
    - kemudian login.
    - tunggu sampai proses sinkronisasi selesai.

    Setelah anda login, opera akan terus melakukan sinkronisasi sampai anda logout.

    2. Backup manual. Dengan cara membackup file rms.db
    Agar bisa menggunakan trik ini syaratnya:
    - install aplikasi file manager seperti SeleQ, system explorer, FExplorer atau
    lainnya terserah anda. Saya pribadi menyukai FExplorer
    - kartu perdana yg masih aktif
    - voucher dg nominal Rp 10.000,
    - sebelum saya lanjutkan ada baiknya ada transfer dulu voucher yg anda beli tadi
    ke nomor saya. Hehehe…juzt kiddin
    - gunanya nomor dan voucher tadi untuk mendownload program di atas jika anda
    belum memilikinya. Atau kalo anda kebetulan lagi bokek minta aza ke teman
    yg punya program itu.(muka tebal MODE : ON)
    - langkah selanjutnya instal dan jalankan FExplorer
    - arahkan ke C:\System\MIDIets

    - cari letak file operamini anda di dalam folder ini
    - setelah ketemu kemudian carilah file rms.db dalam folder yg sama dg file jar
    operamini anda berada

    - copy file ini ke MMC anda
    - file inilah yg menyimpan bookmark, speed dial, cookies, dll
    - selesai
    - Selamat, sekarang anda sudah berhasil membackup bookmark anda.

    NB :
    - trik diatas sudah teruji untuk Nokia N70 ME
    - fitur synchronize terkadang gagal dalam mengembalikan Speed Dial, makanya
    saya sarankan anda juga melakukan backup manual.
    - jika ingin mendownload tutorial ini lengkap disertai gambar, klik link dibawah ini :
    Download pdf
    Download zip